mita brand development guide: Graphic design project for Coursera course
Although I have worked on infographics and design projects during my time at The Straits Times, I had never had any formal training in the fundamentals of graphic/visual design. Over time, I started to see that I did not clearly understand some simple but important concepts of design, from choosing typefaces to layouts. So in 2017, when I was starting to freelance as a photographer, I took the chance to also take up the Graphic Design Specialisation on Coursera. I finished four of the five courses on the track in a few months, but other demands on my time caught up with me and I left the final one—the capstone project—undone.
Four years has since passed, and I find myself at the National Institute of Education preparing for my next career in teaching. A few weeks ago, I learnt—purely by chance—that all students at the institution have access to Coursera’s paid courses; so with the bulk of the term’s coursework finished, I decided to pick up where I left off. And now I’m done (proof of accomplishment!).
There is only one graded assignment for the capstone: create a Brand Development Guide for a company you will invent. Drawing on my own life story, I created mita, an imaginary company that creates lifestyle/action cameras powered by AI.
Here is my full project.